If you have a skin concern that needs to be addressed you would see a skin specialist that can prescribe what’s best suitable for your skin concern, skin type and skin quality.
It’s very important to know the % of ingredient that is in the product.
Know the pH level of products and your skin
Understand what ingredients do
Use the correct product so your not causing a different skin concern
Use products that are high concentrated and safe in the ingredient that your skin needs
Use products that have been lab tested
No product that you can buy on the shelf has high concentration safe ingredients
Don’t buy angel dust products – ones off the shelf that say they have an ingredient but it’s a small amount
Buy a trending product you don’t like it, buy another save time and stress and trust your skin therapist, after all that’s what they have studied and specialised in
Cheaper just tells you the quality of the ingredients used
Your not going to go to a doctor and they say “I’m going to prescribe you X, Y and Z” and then you go to Cole’s and buy what you think is equivalent
When clients come to you and have a skin treatment but would prefer to buy the ‘cheaper’ option product off the shelf, they will not see the results they are after, short term or long term.
Trust your skin therapist that’s what they specialise in